Lutheran Charities is committed to our Western New York community, hosting, attending and supporting many events. So far in 2023, we've:
Held an Awards Banquet honoring persons from all walks of Lutheranism for their committment to their congregations and community...
Hosted BuffaLutheran Bisons Night at Sahlen Field, where our very own CEO, Melanie Rushforth, threw the first pitch...
Walked in solidarity with our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters in the 2023 Buffalo Pride Parade (along with our friends from Parkside Lutheran Church, Community of Good Neighbors, Peaceprints, and Millington Lockwood Business Interior Solutions!
Next Up? Our 25th Annual Golf Classic at Chestnut Hill Country Club and the return of the Whodunnit Mystery Dinner at Ripa's Restaurant. Don't Miss Being Part of the Fun!